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11 – Holistic Approach to Sustainability

11 Holistic Approach to Sustainability Overview of the sustainability sector, regulatory frameworks, sustainability reporting, sustainable finance, and a look into the nut and dried fruit sector. Estimated time: 4h < back to my courses

09 – Payment Terms

09 Payment Terms Identifying the terms and conditions for payment of nuts and dried fruits. < back to my courses Its content will be available very soon.

07 – International Commercial Terms

07 International Commercial Terms Overview of the Incoterms® from the International Chamber of Commerce. Estimated time: 3h < back to my courses

10 – Arbitration Rules

10 Arbitration Rules Overview of arbitration rules, procedures and tribunals Estimated time: 4h 30m < back to my courses

05 – Risk and Insurance

05 Risk and Insurance Essential knowledge of the hot topics of most concern in the food and beverage industry. Estimated time: 3h In order to access this course, first you must accept the TERMS AND CONDITIONS. < back to my courses

08 – INC Contract

08 INC Contract A look at the INC Contract for the sale and purchase of nuts and dried fruits. Estimated time: 2h < back to my courses